Grid Retrospective

February 2, 2015

It’s been over a year since I created Grid. The feedback from the community was amazing and I learned so much about what could be improved.

Today, I wouldn’t use Grid on client work, mainly because it was intended to be more of a learning tool than a standalone framework. After a year of learning, I realized I didn’t need an entire grid system for my projects. It’s better to create custom components as necessary and rely on more semantic naming conventions over generic class names like .row and .column.

Lessons learned

A more semantic grid

It’s better to stay away from presentational names like .half because they become meaningless once the layout changes. Think of it like this: a .half column is no longer a half on mobile.

<div class="row">
  <div class="column half">
    <!-- Your Content -->
  <div class="column half">
    <!-- Your Content -->

It’s better to name your classes something more descriptive than .row or .column; choose a name that describes the purpose of the component, like .schedule or .calendar. To help with this, I’ve recently discovered the power of using the BEM methodology (short for block, element, modifier) for naming in my stylesheets.

BEM allows you to avoid using generic names by giving you a mental template to ease the naming process. Before you start naming your components, take some time to deconstruct them in your head or on paper. Start by identifying and naming the block, which is the highest level of a component. An element is a child of block, and is contained within it. Finally, a modifier changes the state of block or element:

// Block (Highest level)
.block {...}

// Element (Descendent of block)
.block__element {...}

// Modifier (Different state or version)
.block--modifier {...}
.block__element--modifier {...}
<div class="shopping-cart">
  <div class="shopping-cart__item">
    <!-- Your Content -->
  <div class="shopping-cart__item shopping-cart__item--selected">
    <!-- Your Content -->

By removing presentational classes like .half from the markup and replacing them with more semantic and structured approach, we can simply control and maintain the entire layout with just CSS.

Sass is your friend

In Grid, I used plain CSS rather than Sass, which doesn’t give you access to features like variables and nesting. Without them, it makes your code harder to maintain.

Leveraging Sass gives you the ability to create variables you can use with media queries by defining $medium, $large, etc. When coming up with variables names for breakpoints, use words like “small”, “medium” and “large” as opposed to “mobile”, “tablet” and “desktop.” This is much more flexible and doesn’t limit the breakpoints to specfic devices.

// Medium screens
$medium: "(min-width: 40em)";

// Large screens
$large: "(min-width: 64em)";

Mobile first

I originally built Grid desktop-first, meaning I started building the desktop styles before I built the mobile styles. You end up being forced to undo properties you defined for larger screen sizes and your code can become overly complex.

A better approach is to start with mobile styles and layer on styles optimized for larger screens only as needed. In other words, your mobile styles become the default and you no longer have to override them later, freeing you to progressively enhance your design.

Nested media queries

It is much clearer and easier to maintain your stylesheets when you keep your media queries near their respective components, rather than at the end of the stylesheet or in a separate document. You can easily achieve this by nesting your media queries within each component:

// Small screens (default)
.shopping-cart__item {
  padding: .5em;

// Medium screens
  @media #{$medium} {
    float: left;
    width: 50%;

Sass clearfix

We can add our clearfix by using @extend in our block element, which removes the need to have references to clearfix in the markup:

.shopping-cart {
  @extend %clearfix;
  list-style: none;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;

If you’re curious to learn more, I wrote a Sass clearfix post about why this is more semantic.

Keep learning

After receiving tons of feedback on Grid, I realized just how much I had to learn. The community really pushed me to be better–even when it hurt.

If anything, I’ve learned that front-end design is constantly evolving and that it’s crucial to keep up with what’s going on in the industry to stay afloat.

Thank you to everyone that helped with Grid, especially Ethan Marcotte for all his feedback!
